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Healthy Nachos

Healthy Nachos

Vegetarian, Free from nuts Rich in Protein

Nutritional value per portion:

Calories: 47 kcal

Carbs: 1 g

Protein: 9 g

Fat: 1 g


2 scopes

One Whey@ Isolate

4 egg whites
1 tbsp  physillium husk
2 dl water
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp thyme
1/2 tbsp oregano



  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

  2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl

  3. Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil or coconut oil.

  4. Pour a thin layer of batter into the pan and fry for about 2-3 minutes on each side or until the bread is golden on both sides.

  5. Cut the bread into pieces, place on a baking sheet, and drizzle with olive oil, sea salt, thyme, and oregano.

  6. Toast the bread in the oven for about 10-15 minutes, until they turn golden brown.

One batch yields approximately 7 servings.