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Protein overnight oats

Protein overnight oats

Vegetarian, Rich in Protein

Nutritional value per portion:

Calories: 480 kcal

Carbs: 85 g

Protein: 20 g

Fat: 19 g


2 tbsp

One Whey@ 

1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp  chia seeds
2 tbsp  goji berries
1 1/2 dl oats
1 1/2 dl soygurt
1 1/2 dl cold-pressed pear juice
2 eggs
2 tsp baking soda
Topping: cashew nuts, extra soygurt, sliced pears, and raw cacao beans



1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl (add the pear juice and soy yogurt last) and stir well. We recommend Vanilla White Chocolate flavor for your One Whey.

2. Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Remove from the refrigerator and decorate with, for example, peanut butter, pears, cashews, and cocoa nibs.

4. Serve the porridge as it is or with your choice of milk, yogurt, or filmjölk (a Swedish fermented milk product).